Thursday, May 2, 2013


Well, I finally made it to Ghana! After about 36 hours of traveling I am here! It was night time when we arrived, so I can't really say much about how it looks yet. We did have a layover in Amsterdam and were able to tour around. It is such an amazing city. I would definitely go back someday and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in traveling to Europe.
For those who don't know.... I am in Ghana through a study abroad program at Weber. While we are here our main focus is going around to rural clinics and performing basic health screenings as well as basic education on topics such as, hand hygiene, oral hygiene, nutrition, aids, and basic life support. We will also have the opportunity to go to some of their bigger hospitals and see how the medical system works here. I can not believe I am able to have this opportunity and am so excited for what is to come!
For now, enjoy the few (decent) pictures I took in Amsterdam.
 It was a very busy city. People and cars are everywhere!
 The architecture of all the buildings is truly incredible!

Amsterdam is a very green and lush city. There are canals all throughout the city with house boats on them (the ones where you live on the water but the house does not move).


  1. hooray!!!! so happy you made it! i'm glad you posted some pics of amsterdam...i have not been there, yet, but would love to add it to my wish list. hope your first full day there is ghana is going well....sooooo proud of you and so happy for you that you get to have this amazing experience!

  2. Good to hear you made it safe & sound. Amsterdam looks cool! You & Jon will have to go back & check out the sites. After 36hrs of travel the jet lag must be crazy

  3. Love Ya Emmy you cutie. Be careful out there & stay safe!
