Saturday, May 4, 2013

Kumasi Market

Today was our second official day in Ghana. Yesterday, we basically just rode on our bus to get to Kumasi. Now we are getting the complete Ghana experience. Today we experienced some immersion therapy (I suppose you could call it that). We definitely are not on a "touristy" vacation. We are here to see what Ghanian culture is truly like and how these people actually live on a day to day basis. We got to experience the Kumasi market. It is really hard to explain exactly what it is like. The best word would be overwhelming. It is overwhelming for the senses as well as mentally and emotionally. Add on top of an already overwhelming experience 90 degree weather with at least 80% humidity and it is unforgettable.
Just to give an idea of about where I am... Kumasi is about 156 miles north-west from Accra. Kumasi also has more parts of it that are similar to the jungle than in Accra. Accra is the capital city of Ghana and is right on the coast. Ghana is located in north-west Africa, with Cote d'Ivorie on the west and Togo on the east.


One viewpoint of the market.

That red car is called a tro-tro. We took it to the market today. It probably is meant to fit 14-15 people, but they had us squeeze in at least 20. Definitely different then America.


  1. oh my! i can definitely say i have never been to quite a market....some markets in egypt were kind of wild, but not in the way you describe. your mom forwarded me your email. i am loving reading about your adventures and it's only been a few days! so excited to follow you around this month. :)

  2. Sounds like you're getting to experience the "REAL" Ghana! I'll bet they had some very unusual items at the market, including many varieties of barely edible foods. 90 degrees/ 80% humidity & fitting 20 people into a car that holds 14-15. These are experiences you won't soon forget! LOVE YA.

  3. Based upon you're discription surprised that the life expectancy is 65. I can imagine how cute & excited the kids are to see you! I'm sure Jon wouldn't mind if you brought one home :) So happy to hear you're feeling better & enjoying the experience. LOVE YA!
